Trucking Injury Law Group Blog

What Does a Spoliation Letter Do in a Truck Accident Case?

Published on February 13, 2024

Truck Crash Investigation

When you’re involved in a vehicle collision with another driver, you expect the insurance companies (both yours and that of the other driver) to handle the claim properly. And, if the police were involved, you expect a police report to give the facts of the case and prove you weren’t at fault. But what happens if evidence (such as photos, video, or witness statements) or even the other person’s vehicle, suddenly disappears? Or, what if you or your lawyer believe that the at-fault driver, their lawyer, insurance company, [...]
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How Often Do FedEx and UPS Become Involved in Accidents?

Published on December 20, 2023

Truck Crash Investigation

You see them around your neighborhood, and you pass them driving to and from work every day. The big brown UPS trucks and the white ones of their competitors, FedEx. These drivers rush around in the biggest hurry, dropping off packages all over the city all day long. They have ridiculously tight schedules and are often overworked, which leads to a higher chance of accidents. Any accident can be devastating, but accidents involving delivery trucks are notoriously more deadly. (more…)
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Can I Recover Damages if I’m Being Blamed for the Crash?

Published on August 11, 2023

Truck Crash Investigation

You get involved in a truck accident and get hurt, but the trucker, their employer (the fleet company), or someone else (like a big rig manufacturer) isn't wholly to blame for what happened. Instead, you believe that your actions as a passenger car driver, for example, might have played a contributory role in causing the crash. If you're suffering from serious (and costly) injuries and you're wondering if you have any recourse for recovering compensation to help you pay those expensive medical bills or to recoup any lost [...]
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How Many Hours Can a Truck Driver Drive?

Published on July 14, 2023

Truck Crash Investigation

Trying to do anything without enough sleep is like fighting a losing battle. You’re tired, clumsy, distracted, irritable, and just not up to your usual standards of capability. A task as seemingly simple as driving a car is a lot more challenging when you’re sleep deprived. Imagine being exhausted and needing to drive—for 11 hours. And now imagine that your car is 30 times larger than its normal size—and filled with hazardous materials. That’s the situation many truck drivers face every day on the job. How many hours [...]
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What Happens to the Truck Driver After an Accident?

Published on June 15, 2023

Truck Crash Investigation

The idea of sharing the road with a negligent or reckless truck driver who has caused crashes in the past is a scary and discomforting thought. Although there are safeguards in place meant to protect motorists from unsafe truckers, these are not always effective. So what happens to the truck driver after an accident? Under Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations, there are a number of outcomes and consequences that a driver may face in the aftermath of a truck collision. Consequences for Truck Drivers Who Cause [...]
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Do I Need To File a Police Report After a Truck Crash?

Published on May 9, 2023

Truck Crash Investigation

There are a lot of things to take care of after being involved in a truck accident. The time you used to spend going to work or school or taking care of your family may now be devoted to doctor’s visits, phone calls with the insurance company, and efforts to figure out transportation. You may be unable to perform your job, in pain, and worried about your financial security. It may feel like you’re facing task after endless task. And then you realize there’s something else you may [...]
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