Trucking Injury Law Group Blog

How Often Do Truck Tires Blow Out

Published on May 21, 2024

Truck Crash Statistics

Truck tires are the lifeline of the transportation industry, bearing the weight of heavy loads over long distances. However, the risk of tire blowouts poses a significant concern for truck drivers and fleet operators alike. Understanding how often do truck tires blow out, along with the factors contributing to these incidents, is crucial for maintaining safety on the road and minimizing disruptions to logistics operations. In this post, we'll discuss the statistics, causes, and preventive measures surrounding truck tire blowouts. Frequency of Truck Tire Blowouts Truck tire blowouts, [...]
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What Is the Fastest a Semi-Truck Can Drive?

Published on May 21, 2024

Trucking Industry

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reports that there were 4,778 large truck crashes in the US in 2020. Of those collisions, 32% of these involved at least one driver-related factor, and the leading cause of those was speeding, followed by impaired driving. In the world of commercial transportation, the speed at which semi-trucks can legally and safely travel is a topic of significant importance. Balancing the need for efficiency with the imperative of safety requires a nuanced understanding of regulations, industry standards, and practical considerations. So, [...]
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How Often Must Trucking Companies Inspect Their Fleets?

Published on May 14, 2024

Truck Crash Prevention

According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 13.8 million combination and single-unit trucks with two axles and six tires (or more) were registered here in the U.S. in 2021. While some of these numbers overlap, it’s clear that our roads see a lot of use from commercial fleet vehicles and large trucks every day. Trucks often travel long distances for each trip they take, and it’s imperative to the safety of the drivers and other road users that these commercial vehicles are maintained properly. This begs the question: How often [...]
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What Does the NTSB Do?

Published on May 14, 2024

Trucking Industry

When serious or unexplained accidents occur on our nation’s transportation system, you’ve probably heard about government organizations stepping in to investigate. This is exactly when the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) comes into play. With plane crashes or other aviation incidents, you might see agents from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in news videos at the crash site, and alongside those agents, there are usually members of the NTSB. But what exactly does the NTSB do? What is its purpose, and how does it help to make our [...]
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What is the FMCSA and Why Is it Important?

Published on May 7, 2024

Trucking Industry

In the world of transportation and logistics, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) plays a crucial role in ensuring safety and efficiency on the roads. Established within the United States Department of Transportation (DOT), it is tasked with overseeing and regulating the trucking industry, among other responsibilities. Let's take a closer look at what the FMCSA is and why it is important for both businesses and the general public. Understanding What the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Is The FMCSA serves as the primary federal agency responsible [...]
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What Causes Trucks to Jackknife?

Published on May 7, 2024

Types of Truck Accidents

Jackknifing is a terrifying situation that happens when a truck loses control and its trailer swings out to form an acute angle with the cab, resembling the shape of a folding knife. This not only endangers the driver and others on the road but also leads to significant damage and disruption of traffic. Jackknife truck accidents happen more often than most of us may think. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reported almost 5,000 fatalities and more than 100,000 injuries from jackknife accidents in 2020 alone. Another [...]
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Can Big Rigs Park on the Shoulder of the Road?

Published on April 30, 2024

Truck Crash Prevention

When you’re traveling along a highway or interstate, you’ve probably seen semi-trucks parked on the shoulder of either the highway itself or the off-ramp service road. You may have noticed that a number of these trucks have their lights off and appear to be empty with no apparent emergency taking place. That’s because truck drivers are required by federal regulations to stop and sleep after a certain amount of time on the road and they tend to pull off wherever is most convenient for them. But are big [...]
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What Is Off-Tracking?

Published on April 30, 2024

Types of Truck Accidents

We drive next to large trucks, such as 18-wheelers, every day without thinking about how dangerous these vehicles really can be. While most truck drivers are safe and drive defensively, large truck accidents occur frequently and cause serious damage to other vehicles. These accidents are largely avoidable but are often catastrophic. A common type of truck accident caused by something called off-tracking. Not sure what is off-tracking? According to the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), off-tracking or “cheating” occurs when a vehicle turns and the [...]
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Do Trucking Companies Pay for Deadhead Miles?

Published on April 23, 2024

Trucking Industry

When a truck travels without any cargo, this practice is known as deadheading. Often, truck drivers try to avoid routes that will end up with deadhead miles. These practices can be inefficient and force drivers to rush to find other cargo to carry back to their destination. As a result, it can lead to them taking risks on the road. At the Trucking Injury Law Group, we have seen the effects of drivers who are under stress to complete a drop-off and return for another assignment. Usually, these [...]
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How Often Do Truckers Drive While Distracted?

Published on April 23, 2024

Truck Crash Statistics

With April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month, we want to tackle the tough topic of distracted driving. While on the road, many people text on the phone or adjust the radio. But did you know those actions can lead to serious injuries? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 3,000 people are killed and 424,000 injured in crashes involving distracted drivers every year. Distracted driving is a serious concern with any vehicle on the road. But when you add the size and weight of a [...]
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